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The legend of the flamenco tablao Torres Bermejas

Torres Bermejas, inaugurated in 1960, is the most important and unique flamenco tablao in the world. Torres Bermejas is unique for its impressive room that reproduces the interior of the Torres Bermejas of the Alhambra in Granada, with walls with Arabic motifs, tiles and wooden coffered ceilings. As well as a memorable artistic history, with the launch to world fame of the greatest flamenco artists of recent times, such as Camarón himself, who performed with us for 12 years and where he met guitarist Paco de Lucía. In addition to others such as the memorable Manolo Caracol, who debuted on February 1, 1962 and more recently the singer José Mercé. Artists such as El Güito, Mario Maya, la Chunga, La Paquera, El Camborio, Fosforito, Pansequito, Niño Ricardo, Enrique de Melchor, Paco Cepero, Chato de la Isla and more recently the young guitarist Juan Habichuela Nieto. The Torres Bermejas flamenco tablao is in the historic center of Madrid, on Gran Vía and next to Callao. In the same room that occupied the oldest tablao in Madrid, La Taberna Gitana, inaugurated in 1949.

Since the Tablao Torres Bermejas opened its doors in 1960, it has received many illustrious visitors and recognized faces in all the arts: literature, flamenco, national and international singers, television and film, journalism, bullfighting, aristocracy ...

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